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The jungle school

- Madhav Chavan

Tota, the parrot flew ahead. Zhoola, the monkey jumped from tree to tree. Poorakha, the python slithered fast. "Here!" shouted Tota. "Can you read?" "It is upside down, I think," said Zhoola hanging by the branch. Poorakha concluded, "Hisssss. No one can read." Soon, all the other friends joined them. Lamboo looked over the tree. "No one here," he said. Zhoola repeated, "No one here." Tota proposed, "Look carefully!" Pilloo, the little bear declared, "I found a room!" "I found a swing", announced Dheema. "What are these blocks?" Darpok wanted to know. "What is this?" was Zhoola's question. Poorakha explained, "I believe, this is a pencil." Moto and Lamboo found a classroom. They called the others, "Look, what is this?" Everyone came with school bags. They began shouting, "Teacher! Teacher! Where is our teacher?" No one knew. Then they heard a roar. They heard a loud roar. They heard a louder roar. Poorakha was worried. Dheema was scared. Tota hid behind the board. Lamboo and Zhoola were puzzled.

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