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Greedy Hyena

- John Nga'sike, and Zablon Alex Nguku

Atabo and Akiru went to the river to collect water. On their way back home, they rested on some rocks. Atabo tried to stand up to continue home. But she was stuck to the rock. Akiru ran home to call mother. When mother arrived at the rock, she found Atabo truly stuck. "I will make a fence around the rock to protect you from wild animals," mother said to Atabo. So, she made a fence. And she made one door for her to get inside. Then mother said to Atabo, "When I bring you food, I will sing a song for you recognize me and open the door." Mother also said, "Never open the door to a stranger." Whenever she came she sang the song. Atabo would open the door and receive the food. Hyena was hiding and listening. He watched when mother came to feed Atabo. Hyena tried to copy mother's song. He practiced and practiced. The other animals told Hyena to swallow a fly from the river so that he could sing better. He swallowed a fly from the river and went to sing. But the door did not open.

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