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Dira and Chaku

- Hellen Kimaro

Dira woke up early in the morning to find no one at home. He called out for his mother and brother, but there was no answer. Dira went over to Chaku's room. He noticed a huge collection of toys there, like balls and cars. He even had books!
Chaku also had a new pair of shoes. Dira's shoes were old. If Chaku had so much great stuff, why should Dira have to share his elephant? Dira decided to run away.
Suddenly, a large herd of elephants appeared out of nowhere!
Dira couldn't outrun them. Instead, he swung on the tusk of one elephant, up onto his back. Dira played with the elephants.
After some time, he found Chaku kneeling under a tree. All of a sudden, one of the elephants charged at his younger brother. Chaku jumped up. He started running, running, RUNNING! "Chaku! Chaku!" Dira shouted. "Climb a tree!"
The elephants kept charging. Chaku scrambled up the nearest tree. He was breathing heavily. "Dira!" Chaku screamed. "Brother! Please help me!" "Tell your friend not to hurt my little brother,"
Dira pleaded with his elephant.
But the other elephant just snarled.

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