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Young Palinyang’

- Gaspah Emukuru Juma

As the villagers mourned the death of Palinyang's parents, they wondered what would become of Palinyang'.
After the burial, Sausau, the village headman called a meeting. Sausau was respected and feared at the same time because of the way he dressed and talked. His hair was long and fell on his back. It was believed that Sausau lived in the forest long before trees were cut down and houses were built.
During the meeting, Lokeyokoni, a very rich villager, adopted Palinyang'. Lokeyokoni had many sons and daughters. The daughters helped their mother with household chores while the sons went out to graze their father's big herd of cattle.
Palinyang' grew up in this family and was very happy. He was loved and he loved everybody. He enjoyed grazing the animals in the fields.
Palinyang' loved one particular cow so much that he gave it the name Alinyang'. Alinyang' was the oldest cow in the whole herd. For this reason, the owner valued it a lot.
One day when the boys were out grazing the animals, it started raining and they had to shelter under a tree. The rain fell for many hours until it was dark.

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