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Building the Roads in the City of Your Brain

- Daniel Simmonds, Margot Goldberg, & Beatriz Luna

Most of the connections in the brain continued to get better even in teenagers' brains. Many of these connections are to the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of organizing the information going into your brain so it can decide what to do and make your body respond. Does this surprise you? If you gave the same, difficult math test to a 10-year-old and a 16-year-old, who do you think would do better? You would probably answer the 16-year-old, and that may be because the connections to the prefrontal cortex have more myelin in the 16-year-old's brain, helping that part of the brain talk to other parts of the brain that make it easier to pay attention and then make other parts act.
The most surprising and exciting finding in our study was that a few of the connections in the brain continued to grow, even in adults! These roads connect neurons of the prefrontal cortex, which helps us to think, to neurons in the limbic system, deep inside our brain, which helps us to have feelings.

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2014.00017

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