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Old rooster

- Cissy Kiwanuka Luyiga

Once upon a time there was an old woman who lived alone. She had many chickens. Among them was a rooster that was very old and could no longer crow.
One day the old woman's grandson visited. She was very happy to see him. She asked the young man to catch the old rooster so they could cook and eat it.
The old rooster heard the woman talking and its heart sank. "Aaiii, you are also very old, but I don't see anyone trying to kill you, we will see!" So, the old rooster sneaked away and decided to head for the big city to start singing.
As the old rooster walked, he met the cat. "What has happened?" the cat asked. "My friend, my boss wants to eat me because I can no longer tell her the time," said the old rooster. "I am going to the big city to sing. Where are you going?" "My friend, my boss has also decided to kill me because I can no longer catch rats. I am running away," said the cat. "Can I join you?" "Let's go!" said the old rooster.

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