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Nonkungu and the imbulu

- Alan Kenyon and Viv Kenyon

On her journey, Nonkungu came to a stream. She crossed the stream and met a girl wearing rags. The girl asked, "Where are you going?" Nonkungu replied, "I'm going to visit my Uncle Mtonyama." "Well, Mtonyama is my uncle, too! I am also on my way to visit him," said the girl. They set off together. After a while, the girl said to Nonkungu, "Your clothes are lovely. Please let me try them on." Nonkungu took off her clothes and gave them to the girl. When the girl took off her rags, Nonkungu saw that she had a tail! Nonkungu was afraid. She realized that the girl was really an imbulu. They walked a little further, and then Nonkungu asked, "Please give me back my clothes and beads." The imbulu answered, "Let me wear them until we get to the next tree." She pointed to a tree on a hill nearby. When they reached the tree, Nonkungu asked, "Please give me back my clothes and beads." The imbulu replied, "Just let me wear them until we get to that field." She pointed to a field on the next hill.

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