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First House

- Nabanita Deshmukh

One day, Kindru-Lalim remarked, "O Lali, I'm so tired of living in a dark cave. Why don't we build a house in the forest?" "That's a fantastic idea, Kindru!" exclaimed Kincha Lali-Dam. "Let's go and ask our friends - the birds, beasts and reptiles - how to build a house!" So Kincha Lali-Dam and Kindru-Lalim came out of their caves and entered a dense forest. The first animal they saw was an elephant standing under a tree, flapping his large ears.
"Can you tell us how to build a house, O mighty one?" they asked. The elephant trumpeted loudly and said, "Cut logs to make pillars as strong and thick as my legs!" The two friends chopped down a tree and made thick pillars out of it.
A snake suddenly slithered past them on the forest floor. "Fetch poles as long and thin as I am," hissed the snake, so off went Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali-Dam to cut bamboos from a nearby grove.

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