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When the big blue bus was late

- Mecelin Kakoro

Bubu and his mother get on the bus. Behind them are 9 more people in the queue. "Will there be enough seats for all of us?" Bubu asks. He can see there are 4 rows of seats on the bus, with 2 seats on one side and 2 seats on the other. How many seats are there altogether? Will all the people in the queue be able to sit? Bubu and his mother take the 2 front seats next to the door. They have lots of space in front of them and a good view outside. Bubu counts 6 new people that have joined the queue. "That makes 17 passengers altogether," he thinks. "Mama, there's space for almost everyone," he tells his mother. "Only one person will have to stand." Did Bubu count correctly? Now the bus is full. The driver closes the doors and pulls off. There is a noise outside. Bubu and the other passengers look out the window. More people are running to catch the bus. They shout, "Stop! Stop! We also need a ride." But it is too late. Bubu and his mother feel sorry for the people left behind.

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