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Lazy Anansi

- Ghanaian folktale

As Anansi walked by Warthog's house, he smelled sweet potatoes. Warthog told Anansi, "My pot is full of sweet potatoes and honey! Come and share my food with me. Take this fork and help me to stir it." Anansi replied, "I'll come back later. Let me tie one end of this web around my leg and one end to your pot. When the sweet potatoes are ready, pull on the web string, and I'll come." By the time Anansi arrived at the river, each of his eight legs was tied to a pot of delicious food. Then, Anansi felt a pull on one of his legs. "Rabbit's food is ready!" Anansi thought, licking his lips. He felt a second pull. And a third. And a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth pull. Everyone was pulling on the web strings at the same time! "Stop! Stop!" he cried in pain, as his legs were stretched thinner and thinner. But no one could hear him. Finally, the web strings could hold no longer. They snapped, one by one. Anansi rolled into the river to soothe his painful legs. But his legs would not return to their normal shape.

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