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Sisanda's gift

- Gcina Mhlophe

For her last birthday, Sisanda had a special treat – her parents got permission for her to have a party at the game reserve. The giraffes at the reserve were curious about this group of people. They stretched out their long necks for the best view of the party and they even seemed to want some of the birthday cake! Sisanda loved the giraffes. All animals were special to her, but it was the quiet and gentle giraffes that stole her heart. She could spend all day watching them.
One Friday, Sisanda's father came home from work early. He looked very upset. "What's wrong, Baba?" Sisanda asked. "Today a swarm of bees stung a mother giraffe," explained Sisanda's father. "Her head was so swollen from all the stings that her beautiful eyes were closed. We tried everything to help her, but it was no use – she died. And the saddest part of all is that she had a young calf that still needs her."

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