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Magezi and the finger of millet

- Cornelius Gulere

The king's bull has got stuck in the mud!" All the villagers came running. What concerns the king, concerns everyone. A crowd soon gathered around the head and tail. They started asking, "Now what do we do?" Magezi Mataala Manene advised, "Some of you pull the tail, and some of you pull the head. We will pull the bull from the mud." The people took his advice. "Ready! One, two, three, pull! Come out nowwwww!" they shouted. The villagers fell down over each other from the effort of pulling. Two were still holding the head. One held up the tail. Magezi Mataala Manene cried out, "Wo wee! You have pulled apart the king's bull. Each one of you must give one bull for the king." Quickly, the people went back to their homes. Quickly, they returned with a bull each. And so Magezi Mataala Manene left with a herd of bulls to return to his friend Kasiru Kasiira Katono.

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