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The Dance of the Flamingo

- Anita Mani

When you think of flamingos, you always remember their beautiful pink color. Amazingly, the birds get this color from the food they eat! Flamingos eat organisms such as plankton, shrimps, crabs and tiny water plants. All of these have special coloring agents which cause a flamingo to turn pink when it eats them.
If you take a flamingo away from its natural habitat and don't feed it these kinds of food, their color will turn whiter and whiter as days pass by. Flamingos are water birds – they live and feed near the sea coast and lakes as the food they eat is found in water. They are quite tall – some of them can grow up to a height of 1.5 meters. That is almost as tall as a human!
These birds have very long legs so they can walk far into the water. Although most photos will show you pictures of flamingos wading in the shallow water, these birds can also swim! Like other water birds such as ducks, flamingos have webbed feet. Webbed feet help birds push water back and swim across a water body.

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Go to source: https://freekidsbooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/the-dance-of-the-flamingo-Pratham-FKB.pdf

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