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- Rajiv Eipe

Corals are both plants and animals. Thousands of little algae live inside corals, and give them energy to grow. They have hard outer skeletons and grow into many different shapes. Plankton is the main source of food for many sea creatures. They are a mix of algae, bacteria, tiny animals, and the eggs and larvae of larger animals that float about with the ocean currents. Feather stars may look like plants, but they're really animals. They use their feather-like ‘arms' to catch and eat bits of floating plankton.
Parrotfish have strong teeth that form a parrot-like beak, which they use to scrape algae off hard coral. Some species don't mind eating bits of coral as well, and they later poop out a fine sand that washes up on land to form beautiful white beaches. Clownfish and sea anemones live together and help each other. The clownfish help the anemones by cleaning their tentacles and luring other fish for the anemone to eat. The anemones, in turn, allow the clownfish to hide among their poisonous tentacles without stinging them.
Cleaner wrasses are small fish that keep bigger fish clean by feeding on their parasites and dead skin.

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Go to source: https://freekidsbooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/FKB-kids-stories-dive.pdf

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