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What Past Generations Can Teach Us About Our Future

- Mike Kubic

The four stages of history are described by S&H as follows:
1. The 1st Turning, which S&H call "High," is a period "when institutions are strong and individualism is weak. People work together, and the sense of community is strong, but spiritual depth and diversity are somewhat muted." The most recent "High" generation are the 77.3 million Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964.
2. The 2nd Turning, called the "Awakening," is marked by a mood of disenchantment and turning against what is regarded as a superficial and oppressive system. Young people during this period rebel against the government, institutions, and their parents, and fight for individual expression and freedom from control. The most recent example of "Awakening" is Generation X, whose members are now 36 to 55 years old.
3. The 3rd Turning is an "Unraveling." According to S&H, the rebellion of the young during the "Awakening" has weakened the institutions, cultural identity and a sense of community. However, individualism is strong, and "Every man for himself" is the motto of the period. The most recent "Unraveling" of a generation is the Millennials, who are now 12-34 years old.

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