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Leopard and Antelope

- Magabi Enyew Gessesse and Elizabeth Laird

Leopard was always trying to catch Antelope. And Antelope was always escaping from Leopard. One day, Leopard called out to Antelope, "Let's be friends. What you eat, I don't eat. Nothing makes us enemies." Antelope agreed. So Leopard said, "Let's make an oath to be friends. If either of us breaks the oath, her child will die." They made an oath to be friends. At night, Antelope slept under a tree. Leopard slept in the branches above. Antelope soon became fat. Leopard became thin. Leopard was tempted to eat fat Antelope. She said to herself, "I don't care about the oath. I don't even have a child!" Leopard jumped down to catch Antelope. But she got caught between two branches. Antelope was shocked. She leaped up and cried, "Beh! Beh!" Leopard begged, "My friend, help me. We agreed that whoever broke our oath to be friends, would lose a child." Antelope replied, "It must have been your parent who made the oath. Now it is meant for you!"

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