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Eagle's needle

- Jaco Jacobs

Once upon a time Eagle and Hen were best friends. The two of them were together and chatted from morning till dusk. Eagle's chickens couldn't wait to visit Hen's chickens and play with them.
One day Hen approached Eagle. "My friend," she said. "I have to ask you a big favour. Rooster's pyjama pants are torn. He is really grumpy about it. They are his favourite pants. I want to mend the pants, but I don't have a needle. May I borrow your needle?" Eagle nodded. "Of course, dear friend," she said. "But please take good care of it. It is an heirloom needle. My grandmother gave it to me." "Of course, my friend," Hen said. She took the shining needle. "I'll return it tomorrow."
Hen went away to mend her husband's pants. The next morning, as usual, Hen was on her way to Eagle. But oh, goodness – the needle was gone! Hen anxiously called her little chicks together. "Has anyone seen Eagle's needle?" she asked. "No, Mommy," the chickens cheeped. "Help me look for it," Hen said.
Hen and her chickens looked everywhere. In every bush. Behind every lump of grass. Inside all their nests.

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