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Hare the Trickster

- Dan Kaasha

Honey began dripping on Elephant's back. When Elephant asked what it was, Hare said that it was from his wound. They reached a river and found a large buffalo drinking water. Hare wanted to know who was stronger, Buffalo or Elephant. They began arguing. Elephant said she was stronger and Buffalo said she was stronger. Hare said he had an idea how to find out who was stronger. He asked them to wait for him there. Hare came back with a long rope. He tied the one end around Elephant's waist and led her away from the river. Hare tied the other end of the rope around Buffalo's waist and left her near the river. Hare ran and hid himself in a tree. He shouted, "Ready! One, two, three! Pull!" Buffalo and Elephant pulled. Elephant pulled Buffalo. Buffalo pulled Elephant. Neither could win. From where he was hiding, Hare continued to eat Elephant's honey. After he had finished the honey, he cut the rope closer to Buffalo.

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