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Coping Mechanisms

- CommonLit Staff

Adaptive coping mechanisms are positive ways people alleviate stress.
Anticipation is a way to reduce the stress of a difficult challenge by anticipating what it will be like and preparing for how to cope with it. Some literary critics believe that this is the reason why people enjoy reading about, watching, and analyzing tragedies. Thinking about tragic events helps people prepare for unforeseen difficult circumstances.
Finding emotional support from others or asking for help can be an instrumental way of maintaining emotional health during a difficult period. The brain's response to worry enhances the effectiveness of this strategy. Stress releases neurohormones that strengthen your ability to seek emotional support by increasing your empathy and encouraging you to look for close social bonds.
Problem-solving focuses on locating the source of the problem and determining solutions, or action steps. Developing a plan can help lessen stress that comes from the unknown. Problem-solving can be strengthened by creativity, and it is a useful response to both simple and complex issues. A strong problem-solving process involves defining the issue, brainstorming alternatives, evaluating and choosing between these alternatives, and implementing solutions.
People of all ages and cultures respond to humor.

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