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How Do Aeroplanes Fly?

- Aditi Sarawagi

Sarla learned that human beings can fly too, but not like birds. We can fly to any city in the world in an aeroplane, one of mankind's greatest inventions.
With the help of this great machine, we can also experience the joy of being airborne. Birds are aerial creatures that do not need an external machine to fly. Usually, a bird's wings are bigger than the rest of its body. The wings are very light, making it possible for birds to fly. Aeroplanes are huge and very heavy. Just like birds, aeroplanes have wings on both their sides which help them to fly. The wings of the plane are shaped just like those of birds - curved on the top and flat on the bottom which helps them to fly high up in the sky. Birds flap their wings to fly, but of course we have never seen an aeroplane flapping its wings! Birds flap their wings as they use the wind to push their body upwards.
Aeroplanes also fly with the help of the force of the wind. This machine uses the engine inside its body to create wind that flows below the plane.

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