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Ndalo and Pendo – The best of friends

- Ruth Odondi

Ndalo's father milks Pendo twice a day. She produces about 24 litres of milk a day, so about 12 litres for each milking. Sometimes Ndalo helps with the milking but it is not as easy as it looks. "One day," he thinks to himself, "I will have my own cows and I will have to do all the milking myself." His father pours the milk from the big bucket into smaller two litre cans or one litre bottles. He then sells the milk for R8 a litre. Once a week Ndalo's father donates 25 litres of milk to the school feeding scheme. Each child gets a quarter litre of this milk. That means that 100 children get milk on this day. For each litre of milk sold, his father gives Ndalo 50c. That doesn't sound like a lot, but if his father sells 24 litres a day, it adds up to quite a bit. Can you tell how much? Ndalo saves his money until Saturday when he makes a trip to the book shop. Each book costs less than R10, so in a good week, he can buy quite a few.

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