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Fruits of freedom

- Rose Mburu

One day, the people of Mongu held a meeting. They had decided that enough was enough. They wanted their land back from Kitwe. They discussed the odds of winning. They knew that Kitwe had a strong army and better weapons. There were many ideas, but even after a long time they had no solution. Just as they were about to give up, a young man stood up and said, "I think I know a way." They were all curious and asked, "Tell us!" The young man began, "My grandfather told us about a man named Ubuntu who lives across the forest. He grows a fruit called uhuru which gives people the strength to do anything. Let me find this man." They were all silent and did not know what to do. Since no one else had a better idea, they said, "You go and find this Ubuntu." The young man set out to find Ubuntu. After five days of going through the forest he came out to find the house. He was very happy.

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