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- Owino Ogot, and Salim Kasamba

The drum has always been an important musical instrument in our community. We love drums! We have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized and small. We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers. We play drums for various reasons. We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts and in bad times. Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colourful. We play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth. We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs. We sound drums to call people to clean wells, clear roads, or to build a hut for a needy old person. We sound drums to call people when cattle are stolen in our village. We sound drums to gather people for meetings at our chief's palace. Drums call people to go to church for prayers on Sundays, and other prayer days. We also play drums to enrich songs when singing in churches.

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