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Lynne's birthday surprise

- Leo Daly

Getting things ready for the party had been hard work. Lynne and Anton had to do most of it themselves as Oupa Karel was too old to climb up ladders. But Oupa Karel did what he could by blowing up the balloons.
"Now we only have to bake the cake!" said Lynne.
Oupa Karel sighed as he turned the pages of his recipe book. "I'm not going to be much help," he said, shaking his head. "I've never been good at cooking."
"That's okay, Oupa," said Lynne with a smile. "Anton and I can do it. We just need to follow the recipe. How much of these ingredients should we use?"
"We need 150 grams of flour," said Oupa Karel, running a finger down the list of ingredients. "Fifty grams of cocoa, 220 grams of sugar, 80 grams of butter, two eggs and half a cup of milk. That's 125 millilitres of milk." "Let's mix everything together in the big bowl," said Lynne.
Anton took the wooden spoon and began to mix the ingredients together.

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