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Thabani's spear

- Khanyi Dubazana

Every morning, Thabani would wake up, take his spear and sharpen the blade on a stone. He truly appreciated this gift from his brother. The blade was ready for use. When Qhawekazi went to battle, Thabani would wish that he was going with him. But he would always apologise and give the excuse that he was still sharpening his spear. Thabani continued to sharpen the spear, regardless of its state. The blade got smaller and smaller until it was the size of a knife. One day Qhawekazi said, "Thabani, you are old enough now and your spear is ready for use." "Take your spear and let's go," said Qhawekazi. He gave Thabani no chance to think. Thabani followed his brother, shivering. Qhawekazi realised too late that the spear was greatly reduced from too much sharpening. They arrived on the battlefield. Thabani had only his very small spear and he was terrified.

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