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Shells in Trouble—Turtle Ecology, Conservation, and the Asian Turtle Crisis

- Jonathan J. Fong; Yik-Hei Sung

There are 356 living turtle species on Earth. Turtles come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of the differences between turtles may help them to survive better in their particular habitats. For example, the common box turtle (scientific name Terrapene carolina) can pull in its head, arms, and legs, and completely close its shell for protection. Completely opposite, the big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) has such a big head that it cannot pull its head into its shell. Its large head gives this turtle a strong bite, which is helpful for feeding and protection. Turtles can have interesting colors and patterns, too. The Beal's-eyed turtle (Sacalia bealei) has spots on the back of its head that look like eyes. Scientists are not sure if the spots have a function. Many believe these spots may be used to trick a potential predator into thinking it is being watched, but this is just a hypothesis.

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