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Monkey and the shoes

- Fred Kojo Binka, Godwin Kumah and Happy Kwamie Ofori

A young monkey was one day swinging in a tall tree. He came down from the tree to eat a farmer's maize. He wanted to get energy to continue swinging. Near the farm, he saw a pair of torn shoes. He was excited because he had long wanted to wear shoes. He said to himself, "I will try the shoes and walk like a human being." After eating, the monkey took the shoes to show to his friends. He did not try on the shoes that day. The next time the monkey went down to eat, he took the shoes to wear. His friends warned him, but he failed to listen. He put on the shoes with a deep breath. "I am finally wearing shoes like a king. I will walk like a human." The monkey tried to walk but he could not move. He had never worn shoes before. He decided to remove the shoes and return to his friends. But he could not. The bush began to shake. The monkey panicked when he saw a hunter searching for game. The hunter shot the monkey. He took it home to his wife and children for their meal.

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