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Cat and Dog and the worms

- Elke and René and Leisink

Cat and Dog open the door. They open the door of their house. Cat and Dog leave their house. Cat and Dog walk. They walk on the grass. They walk between the trees. They walk through the bush. Then they stop. Cat and Dog see a sign. They see a sign on a tree. Cat and Dog look at the sign. They look at the words on the sign. Cat and Dog read. They read the sign, 'look out for the cape.' Cat says, "What is a cape?" Dog says, "A cape is a jacket. Cat and Dog cannot see a cape. Then they laugh. They laugh at the sign. They laugh at the silly sign. But then the words change! Cat and Dog read. They read the sign. 'Look out for the grape.' Cat says, "What is a grape?" Dog says, "A grape is a fruit." Cat and Dog cannot see a grape. Then they laugh. They laugh at the sign. They laugh at the silly sign.

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