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Cat and Dog and the egg

- Elke and René and Leisink

Cat and Dog walk. They walk in their village. Then they see an egg. The egg is in the grass. The egg is alone in the grass. The egg is all alone. Cat and Dog walk to a bird. They ask the bird, "Is this your egg?" But the bird says, "No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg." Cat and Dog walk to the owl. They ask the owl, "Is this your egg?" But the owl says, "No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg." Cat and Dog walk to the goose. They ask the goose, "Is this your egg?" But the goose says, "No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg." Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks. They ask the two ducks, "Is this your egg?" But the two ducks say, "No, that is not our egg." Then the egg breaks.

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