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The Scientific Method

- Barrett Smith

It is important that your experiment is a fair and valid test of your hypothesis. You should make sure that you only change one condition in your experiment at a time and keep all other conditions the same. In our example, you would want to make sure that the only thing you change is what you water the plants with. You would use the same type of seeds in each plant, the same type of soil, and keep them in the same place where they will get the same amount of sunlight. If one plant gets more sunlight than another one, you won't know for sure if it was the sunlight or the coffee that made it grow faster. You also need to repeat the experiment several times to make sure the results were not random. This is called having multiple trials.
Collect your measurements and analyze them to see if they support your hypothesis. You can put your measurements in a chart or a graph to help you. It is important to think about what type of graph works best for your data.

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