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Skillful musicians

- Athieno Gertrude and Owino Ogot

To be chosen as the greatest, the musician had to perform a variety of functions. He had to be loud enough to be heard from near and far. Tongoli spoke first, "I am the greatest. I sing high and I sing low. I have many strings of different pitches. I can sing alone and in groups. The young and old love dancing to my music. I even lead Fumbo in songs."
"You are right Tongoli," Fumbo agreed. "But you are not better than me. You are too soft. I am loud and clear. My sound reaches near and far." Fumbo continued, "People dance to my tunes like their backs are breaking! Whether in times of joy or in times sorrow I make people dance! Children like imitating my songs like 'Coko ma nyoro no dwoki i dak'."
"You are both great," agreed Milege. Then he continued, "My work is simple. Dancers tie me round their ankles. They stamp their feet rhythmically and I produce melodies. I produce a mix of loud and sharp sounds. Friends, aren't I great?"

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