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Whoever doesn't obey elders

- Yakubu Aliyu Malumri

They took Jallo and his mother to the village's fruit trees and invited them to take all the fruit that they liked. Except from the mango tree. In the garden, Jallo saw a very big mango tree with many ripe mangoes. Jallo was amazed to see so many ripe mangoes. He decided to pick one. Although Jallo had been asked not to eat from the mango tree, he did not listen. He said, "Whatever happens, let it happen, I want to eat this mango." Jallo's mother warned him again. But he refused to obey her. On eating the mango, his stomach suddenly started rumbling. Jallo felt unwell. He started crying. His head started to swell. Then, a mango tree grew out of his head! Jallo became a mango tree. Since that time, whenever someone touches the branches of that mango tree, it sings a song. The tree sings, "Whoever doesn't obey the elders, will regret. I made Jallo an example." That's how it is, and why wise people say, "Whoever refuses to listen to the elders, ends up regretting it."

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