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The kingfisher and the sea

- Peter Omoko

The day before the king and his family left, he held a feast. Everyone attended. Leopards, snakes, rabbits, snails, birds and even ants came to the feast. The king addressed the people, "My family and I are going away to the other part of Okugbe Island. We want to feel the pain that other people feel." People whispered amongst themselves. The elders did not believe him. But who could question the king? So, everyone drank and feasted. The next day, the king and his family sailed away. For the first two days, the boats rolled through the waters. The sky was clear, the sea was calm, and the trip was a happy one. On the third day, the sea became rough. The sky became cloudy. A great storm came upon them. The boats were overturned. The king was helpless as his wealth and family were lost to the sea. The king alone survived.

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