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People Who Rarely Forget

- Navid Reza Ghaffari & James Lafayette McGaugh

In 2000, a young woman named Jill Price contacted McGaugh to say that she had a memory problem. She said she had trouble forgetting things. This was very unusual! If a person says they have a memory problem, then it usually means they have trouble remembering things. After talking to her, it became very clear that she had an amazing memory. Her memory was then tested over the next few years. For one of the tests, she was asked to write down the date and what she was doing for the past 23 Easters. This was a very hard test, because Easter falls on a different date each year. She got all the dates correct except for one! What made this even more interesting was that Jill Price did not even celebrate Easter. A paper discussing Jill's memory was published in 2006. After that, more people contacted us to say that they also had HSAM. In December 2010, the TV show "60 Minutes" featured six people who have HSAM. Over 19 million people saw this TV show. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of viewers quickly contacted us and asked to have their memory tested!

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2018.00055

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