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An Adventure with a Water-Snake

- Mangkonephet Sayasane

Suddenly, Khan's fishing rod began to shake! He woke up immediately.
What could it be? A creature was struggling to free itself from the fishing rod! The creature tugged and pulled on the rod with such great force that Khan fell into the water. The creature pulled him deep into the sea. Khan realized the creature was actually a massive water snake! Khan saw all kinds of animals living in the sea. Khan and the water snake swam in the sea together. The water snake took Khan to a rock and spoke to Khan. "My egg is stuck below this huge rock!" she said. Khan pushed and pushed, but the rock was too heavy to move!
Khan had an idea. He opened the bag of rice that was on his shoulder. The nearby sea animals swam up to Khan and wanted to eat the rice. Khan requested all the animals that wanted the rice to help him free the egg from the rock. All the sea animals agreed to help. They began their journey to the rock. When they reached the rock, they pushed and pushed with all their might. After a lot of effort, the rock finally moved.

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