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Abebe and the English boys

- Kokeb Abera, Adonay Gebru

Every day after school, Abebe went to the field to help his father. Next to the teff field was a football field. One afternoon while Abebe was chasing birds, four English boys came to play soccer. The boys began to play. The ball bounced up and landed in the teff field. The ball damaged some teff. One of the boys ran into the field to get the ball, and he damaged more teff! They continued to play. The ball bounced and landed on the crop again and again. The boys kept running into the field to fetch the ball. Each time they damaged some of the teff. Abebe and his father became more and more angry about the destruction of their crop. Neither Abebe nor his father could speak English. They didn't know how to say to the boys, "Don't come into this field. Stop damaging our crops!" The English boys didn't know any other language except English. Abebe's father said, "Son, use what you have learned in school. Tell them to stop kicking the ball into our field!"

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