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The prince who had no name

- Kaka Gana Abba

Once upon a time, there lived a prince who had no name from birth. He was the only child of King Dunoma, who wanted a successor. He was born after several years of waiting.
When he was born, the king was so happy that he decided to keep his son's name a secret until he grew up. Then, any girl who knew the name would become the prince's wife.
When the prince was old enough to marry, the king ordered the town crier to make an announcement.
"This is a contest for young women throughout the kingdom! Say the prince's name and become his wife!" announced the town crier.
The girls devoted the remaining days to preparation. They plaited their hair and trimmed their nails. They decorated their hands and feet with henna and went to the tailor for new dresses.
Some even visited the marabout for prayers and good luck. The impatient among them visited the diviners to tell them about their fate.
On the appointed day, all roads led to the king's palace. The prince and his father, accompanied by the palace guards, arrived at the assembly ground first.

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