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Can an Internet Program Help Mothers Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

- Adrian Mercado, Suzanne Phelan

Gaining weight in pregnancy is important for the health of the mother and child. However, after having a baby, if a mother keeps the extra weight she gained during pregnancy, this can be harmful to her long-term health. This study tested whether an Internet weight-loss program could help mothers to lose weight after having a baby. We worked with WIC, which is a program that gives low-income families food and support. Half of the women in the study received regular WIC and half received WIC plus an Internet weight-loss program. We found that the Internet program helped mothers lose five more pounds than regular WIC, and it also helped more mothers get back to the weight that they were before pregnancy. WIC serves half of all US mothers; the Internet weight-loss program in WIC could help many women get closer to the weight they were before pregnancy and avoid weight-related diseases later in life.

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2018.00034

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