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The sticky doll

- Mozambican Folktale

Once upon a time, there was a family that owned a big farm. They had a lot of peanuts and corn on their farm. All the animals with four legs went to the farm to eat the crops of this family. Now the rabbit was very clever. It would spot the owners as they came to the farm. The rabbit would shout, "Robbers! Robbers!" as soon as it saw the farmers, and all the animals would run away. As time passed, the family realized that their crops were being eaten. They put out a large doll to frighten the animals and protect the farm. They put glue all over the doll's body. The next day, the animals went to the farm and saw the doll. They decided not to return because they thought that the doll would catch them. The doll frightened all the animals, except the rabbit. It returned the following day.

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