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Super Mummy and Super Super!

- Mimi Werna

We have fun with children who come to the shop with their parents. Sometimes, mother has to serve as referee as well as help customers. I think that she has superpowers! When we become too noisy, mother says, "Now sit quietly and watch TV." She always adds, "But only for 30 minutes, while we take a break!" If we don't have schoolwork, sometimes mother asks me or my older sister to help her. I am not always ready to help. But I do it because I know she works so hard. As we walk home from the shop with the sun setting, we talk about our day. We have to hurry to keep up with her, but we love walking and talking with mother. She makes sure that we do homework and have time to play. She makes sure that we eat vegetables and fruits, and drink water. When we are sick, she cares for us.

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