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Salemka'an spends her day with wind

- Mimi Werna

The wind howled like a wolf. Salemka'an ran out with her kite to play. The wind played with her hair. The wind played with her dress. Soon, the wind grew stronger and so she lost her kite. The wind continued to blow stronger. Salemka'an ran to get the clothes from the line. The wind was faster than her. It swirled and churned. It carried her kite and clothes. It carried the house, the trees and even the leaves. The wind churned and weaved them all together into a vortex. Then the wind began to calm. It dropped some trees. Salemka'an's kite was stuck to a branch. The wind tossed her kite. It tossed some leaves around. The wind dropped Salemka'an from the sky along with a tree. She twirled and twirled. She held on to the roots because she felt woozy, woozy. She staggered up, still holding on to the roots. She looked around for everything the wind weaved into a vortex. She saw her house. She saw a few leaves and tree trunks. She didn't see her kite but walked home all the same. Salemka'an knew that the wind would blow again. "I'll see my kite again," she thought.

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