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Busy busy sun

- Mimi Werna

The sun rises in the morning, by the east side. I hear the cock crow at dawn. The sun moves over Terfa's compound before the morning meal. I smell the aroma of bier and akpupa following the sun to my window. The sun goes behind a tree at school during lunchtime. Then it arrives in a puddle in the middle of the playground. The sun stands above my head. My shadow stands beside me. I play the shadow game with my friends. My shadow grows bigger, then smaller. We run after it. My shadow grows longer, then shorter. We run after it. I stand, my friends stand. We see our shadows sway. We grow tired and return to class. After school, we go home. The sun yawns. I see the sun sink slowly in the west. I see my shadow on a wall. It is time to go to bed. The sun goes down behind the clouds. I lay down in my bed, and dream of the sun traveling afar.

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