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Sentence Street

- Mimi Werna

My name is Comma. I help you to pause between thoughts, and I also separate items in a list. I love exercising, reading and playing. Would you tell me about the things you love doing? Curiosity is my superpower! My mission is to ask questions and find answers! Please call me Question Mark, would you? I am Semicolon; I am a guard on Sentence Street. I'm a longer pause than a comma, but I'm not a full stop. I sometimes play Cupid by helping lonely clauses connect and become friends instead of strangers. I can also separate items in a long list to avoid confusion. When a letter or two is missing from a word, I'll stand in for the letters. I also show possession or that something belongs to someone. Call me Apostrophe. "I am Quotation Mark and my superpower is direct speech!" When you see me wrapped around the words someone says, it means those are the exact words that the person spoke (or thought). I open and close quotations. Sometimes I show sarcasm.

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