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Eclipse of Love

- Matete Lesele

The Sun kept the Earth warm while the Moon kept it stable during its rotations. Until one fateful day when everything changed. There was a big explosion in the sky, a big bang. The Moon and the Sun were separated from each other. Separated in both distance and time. They could not see each other anymore. They were both devastated and felt incomplete. They were both sad. They longed for each other's love. Their love was so strong that it transcended through time and space. But all was not lost as something was about to happen, something that will change everything. Something that will change their fate. Suddenly there was a force of extraction that caused them to move closer to each other every once in a while. Eventually the sun and the moon would be together during a process called Solar Eclipse. Finally, they were together, and they were very happy. It was not like before but that did not matter. What mattered was the time and space they had.

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