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Luwo's House

- Little Zebra Books

Luwo went to church with his mother. She was holding his hand on the path. Inside the church there were many people gathered. They were singing. Luwo left the church. His mother didn't see him. Luwo stood in the path. He looked down the path, and thought, "Where is my house?" So, he followed the path. He saw a big house. "No, that's not our house. Our house is small." Luwo walked a bit more. He saw a house on stilts. "No, that's not our house. Our house is not on stilts." He kept on walking. He saw a small house of straw. "No, that's not our house. Our house has mud walls." Luwo went farther. He saw a small house with a tree outside. "No, that's not our house. Our house has two trees outside." At last Luwo saw his mother coming toward him. Luwo ran to her. His mother said, "Let's go home!" Which house is Luwo's house?

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