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Food for Thought: What Happens to the Brain When We Eat Foods High in Fat and Sugar?

- Erika Calvo-Ochoa, Clorinda Arias and

You may know that a nutritious diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, nuts, seeds, and protein is good for your health. This type of diet is not only delicious, but it also makes people grow strong and healthy. In contrast, eating processed foods and beverages high in saturated animal fat and sugar, like processed meats, cookies, candy, sugary drinks, and potato chips, can be very harmful to your health. Did you know that eating these types of foods regularly can cause diseases, such as obesity, the condition of being excessively overweight. In most cases, obesity is due to eating an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Type 2 diabetes is a disease with elevated levels of glucose in the blood, due to the body's inability to produce the hormone insulin (type 1), or to respond to insulin (type 2). Because processed foods, sugary drinks, and candy are very easy to find and can be tasty (who does not like a candy bar, or a slice of pepperoni pizza?) it is no surprise that obesity and diabetes are two of the most common diseases in the world.

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