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The Body’s Clock: Timekeeping With Food

- Carolina M. Greco and Kevin B. Koronowski and Paolo Sassone-Corsi

Have you ever asked yourself why you have energy during the day and feel tired at night? What if I told you that there is a part of your body that is secretly controlling these feelings without you knowing? Well there is! It is called your biological clock or circadian rhythm, and it is ticking away inside you right now. What is really amazing is that your biological clock collects information from the outside world, such as sunlight and food, and sets your body's time to match it. The times when you choose to eat might move your body's clock forwards or backwards, and what you eat can make your clock stronger or weaker. Eating and sleeping are great, but your biological clock does so much more for you. The good news is all you need to do is listen to it and it will help keep you healthy.

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2019.00141

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