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A Gym Workout for Your Brain: How Mindfulness Can Help Improve Mental Health

- Ben Isbel and

Let us try a mindfulness exercise right now.
Start by sitting down either on the floor or on a chair with your back nice and straight. As you sit, just relax. Be aware of your body as you sit still. While you are sitting still, notice the rising and falling of your belly as you breathe in and out. Do not try to make your breath deeper or longer, but just let it be. Just feel it. Can you feel the sensations of movement as your belly goes up and down with the breath? Try not to think about these movements. Just pay attention to the sensations of the rising and falling of the belly as you breathe in and out. Without following thoughts as they arise, just stay with the feeling of the rising and falling.
It would not be long before you start thinking of something other than your breath. Your attention will want to follow a thought, since watching the breath can be pretty boring! We usually like to pay attention to things that are exciting.

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2019.00034

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