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The SubCAS: A Pressure Chamber for Fish

- Bart Shepherd, Hudson T. Pinheirom, Matt Wandell, Luiz A. Rocha and and and

Coral reefs are marine ecosystems found in tropical regions around the world. They cover <1% of the ocean, yet they have the highest biodiversity. A measure of the variety of plant and animal life (the number of species) in an ecosystem or on the entire Earth. of any marine environment on Earth, sheltering more than a quarter of all of the plants and animals found in the ocean, including fishes, corals and algae. Although scientists have studied shallow coral reefs for hundreds of years, they know almost nothing about deep coral reefs, known as mesophotic. Literally "middle-light," the dimly lit region in between brightly lit, shallow coral reefs and the dark, deep oceans. coral ecosystems or "the twilight zone" . The twilight zone is found between 60 and 150 meters deep, which is too deep for regular SCUBA diving equipment. Our team of scientists is using rebreathers. A special kind of technical SCUBA diving equipment that recycles air by removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen, letting the diver breathe the same air over and over again., advanced diving technology that allows us to visit many deep reefs around the world.

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