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3rd Grade Science

- Utah State Board of Education OER

Weather describes the day to day changes in the atmosphere around us. The atmosphere is the air that surrounds Earth. The air that is around you right now is part of the atmosphere. Each day the weather changes. Sometimes it is hot. Other times we have snow storms. Weather keeps you guessing. It makes every day an adventure. Whatever the weather is doing now, it could be doing something else in a matter of hours. Weather also can vary from place to place. Sometimes the places are very close together. It could be raining at your house, but dry at school a few blocks away. Weather is very tough to predict. Will it rain tomorrow? Maybe it will be sunny. What about the wind? How cold will it be? Those are all questions we want to know. Meteorologists are scientists who study weather and weather prediction. Meteorologists measure many different weather conditions to describe and predict the weather. Temperature measures how hot or cold the air is around us. To describe the wind, we measure wind speed and wind direction. The wind direction tells us where the wind is coming from. We also measure precipitation.

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